Traffic Congestion Monitoring

Monitor the traffic throughput and congestion with the help of AI-based Traffic Congestion Detection technology.

There are two reasons to be alerted automatically about traffic congestions:

  1. To collect the statistics about the traffic congestion patterns so that it would be possible to come up with the long-term solutions
  2. To detect unusual traffic congestions and handle them instantly.

The unexpected traffic jams can be a result of some incident. Without immediate handling, the congestion could affect thousands of vehicles.

ACTi's Vehicle Counting analytics with the predefined traffic jam thresholds provides instant alert when the congestion occurs, so that the officers could immediately go to resolve it.

Explore Solutions

See the combinations of products required for this application.

Windows-Based NVR Solution (SF11)

Windows-Based NVR and Control Center Solution (SF12)

Cloud-Based NVR Solution (SF13)

Third Party Application Integrated Solution (SF22)

Third Party VMS Integrated Solution (SF23)

Project References

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