
Switch the between channels of VMS by clicking on the video overlay shortcuts, mainly used for suspect tracking in live or playback mode.

ACTi NVR 3的最新更新包括增加運營監控和調查效率的新功能。 用戶可以通過在特定區域的跟踪區域上點擊,簡單地切換到其他相鄰攝影機的視圖,輕鬆地在多個場景中追踪感興趣的對象。

Traditional video management systems require an operator to memorize camera locations in order to compare adjacent cameras. When an incident occurs, this process can be complicated and time-consuming especially as your camera count increases. Visual Tracking is designed to allow pre-configured regions over a camera’s video feed in order for users to click and navigate to the adjacent cameras without a prior understanding of geographic associations.

Once the configuration is complete, operators can either perform real-time tracking from the Live View tab and react to incidents in a timely fashion, or begin a post-event investigation from the Playback tab and collect the evidence.




安全加強型解決方案手冊介紹 ACTi 專為高度關鍵系統而設計的端對端安全平台。了解現代概念,包括實時管理、智能、整合和可靠性,是如何結合成一個完整的解決方案的。
