Vehicle Analytics

Detect, track or recognize license plates of vehicles.


Vehicle Line Crossing Detection

"Line Crossing" captures the movement of people or objects over a predetermined virtual line.

Vehicle Enter Area Detection

"Enter Area" detects and captures video of vehicles that have entered and stayed in a marked area for longer than a certain amount of time.


Vehicle counting and available spots counting


Automatically track any moving vehicle to catch its details along with panoramic overview.

Vehicle Loitering Detection

Detect the vehicles that stay in the area longer than allowed.

Vehicle Type Detection

ACTi's video analytics powered by machine learning can distinguish car types from the bus, truck, sedan, bicycle, and motorcycle, as well as detect traffic flow density via ROI setting.

Vehicle Color Detection

Detect the dominant color of each vehicle.


Detect the incorrect driving direction of the vehicle using video-based analytics.


Estimate the speed of the vehicle using video-based analytics.


"Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR)" detects and recognizes vehicle license plates in the predefined area, and then matches this data against the database.


Traffic Rule Violation Detection