Lens Calculator - Quality | ACTi Corporation

Lens Calculator

Data : 2025/01/24
Version : 1.0.0
Important notice
The average sizes of faces and license plates may vary across countries. The calculation reflects the ideal situation based on perfect lighting conditions and target’s orientation towards camera. Fog, rain, snow, night time, headlights of the car, fast moving objects, objects not facing the camera directly – these factors may all reduce the distance for object recognition. For critical projects, please do the validation by using the actual camera model.

This page is only for visual evaluation only. There is no need to edit anything.
Quality Level Face Recognition Standard Car License Plate Recognition Standard
Pixels per meter Pixels per feet Result (quality) Pixels per meter Pixels per feet Result (quality)
20% 100  30  60  18 
30% 125  38  80  24 
40% 150  46  100  30 
50% 175  53  120  37
60% 200  61  140  43 
70% 225  69  160  49 
80% 250  76  180  55 
90% 275  84  200  61 
100% 300  91  220  67